Wednesday, August 26, 2009

9 months old!

The twins are more than 9 months old now. I can't believe it. Their adjusted age is about 5 months old. We had are 9 month appt today and Liam weighs a whopping 14 lbs. 4 oz. and is 25 inches long. Chloe is our lightweight at 12 lbs. 10 oz. and 24 inches long. We find it amusing that our little runt, Liam, has passed his "big" sister up. He feels like a piece of iron and Chloe feels like a feather.

Liam is babbling a lot and says mom-mom-mom-mom and dad-dad-dad-dad. Chloe makes a nasaly sound something like khunk-khunk-khunk-khunk and lots of airy babbling. They both laugh and smile lots. They love each other and like to chew on each others hands, feet, arms, and legs and pull each other's hair. Liam doesn't seem to realize he's bigger and stronger and cries for help when Chloe's got him in her clutches. When he is wholloping her with his swift left hook, she just scrunches up her face and keeps trying to get his hand into her mouth. Chloe can roll across a room now which makes me a little nervous. Liam still only rolls front to back but he's getting closer and closer to rolling the other way. Their phyiscal therapist thinks they will both be crawling soon.

They are still great sleepers and easy babies. I still nurse but now I nurse one while the other gets a podee bottle (very cool invention for mother's of multiples!) and then we switch on the next feeding rather than tandem nursing which was becoming a 3-way wrestling match. It has made life much easier and nursing is a joy again.

Some of these pics are from our recent trip to Spokane where we visited my sister Kathleen's family. We had lots of fun with our cousins! Kathleen and I had a fabulous Mom's night out including pedicures at "Shiny Nails" where they don't just clean and paint your nails - they beat your feet silly. Weirdest pedicure I've ever had. I couldn't stop thinking of this awesome comedy sketch about nail salons.

I'm starting to think about winter and the RSV/Flu season. The Dr's and nurses at the NICU told us we'd need to go into hiding for the first 3 winters. Our pediatrician doesn't think we need to be so aggressive. I'm wondering how you experienced parents of micro-preemies handled your 2nd and 3rd winters. Any thoughts? It would be nice to go to church (at least sacrament meeting) and continue to meet with our homeschool group once a week but I'm not sure if I dare. I really don't want to end up in the hospital with my little ones.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Pics on Kathleen's Blog

We took a trip to Spokane to visit my sister's family recently and she is a much more regular blogger than me. Check out the pictures of our trip on her blog:
